Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Teenager girls who have sex are 2x more likely to commit suicide than girls who practice abstinence.
Teenage boys who have sex are 7x more likely to commit suicide than boys who are sexually abstinent.
What if you were the cause of that suicide?

You can get pregnant any time. Even during your period. Pregnancies sometimes lead to abortions and Girls who have abortions are 6x more likely to commit suicide than those who don't.
1,211,137 abortions were preformed in the year 2011, so about 1.2 million
28% of women who have abortions commit suicide. To be exact that’s 339 118 suicides. That was just in 2011! If you feel bad now, just think if you were the reason that person committed suicide or the reason that baby died. How bad would you feel then?
Sex is no joke. Its not something you play around with. Yes it may bring some temporary pleasure, but look at the side effects.
Some people may say that sex is how you become and adult. Seriously? A smart adult plans ahead and uses wisdom to make the right decisions. What about having sex before marriage fits that description?

   Your purity is a huge part of you and your heart. When you have sex with someone you give them that piece of your heart. But here’s the catch: You only have so many pieces to give away, before you grow numb to the process; the pieces stop feeling as important. And when you get married, your sex life isn’t as exciting. For those who wait until marriage to have sex, When you get married, you’ve got a whole lot of awesome sex that you haven’t ever had yet. And now you get to catch up, instead of just burning out. Like the people who have been having sex for decades. Those who wait have a better sex life that last longer than those who didn’t wait.
Your marriage will last longer for waiting as well. This is because you won’t loose interest or fall out of love as easily as the burning out couples. because you have so much more invested and will fight much harder to defend your investment.

Don't you want your future spouse all to yourself and not have to think about their past with another woman or another man? Well I'm guessing that they want the same thing. Instead of giving your heart away a little at a time, give all of it to the one person who has earnd it.

   My question to you is why settle for less? I believe that we all have someone we are ment to be with. So don’t settle for someone who isn’t the one. And if you know that you will get married to someone some day then why start cheating on them now?

Song of Songs 2:7
- do not arouse or awaken love until it so desires. 
   The entire book of song of songs is about a couple who is recently married. In this scripture she is telling the other women to save sex for marriage because it is worth it. 

What if we are meant to be? 
   This is probably the most used excuse i have herd. If its meant to be then test it. If you have turely found that person you are meant to spend forever with, then they should be able to respect your decision to wait. And then there is the other side to that answer... What if it really isn't meant to be? 8 out of 10 teens in a sexual relationship last 6 months or less.

   This is a big reason to save it. Sometimes we do think that we are meant to be with a certain person and give in. Then after a while it doesn't work out. The problem is that you weren't completely committed to one another. Marriage is commitment.

What if i don't know what to do on my wedding night?
   Please, this is a lame excuse. Have you ever heard of a couple who couldn't figure it out? And if you honestly can’t on your wedding night, you have the rest of your life to try. Also the first time is always a little awkward but wouldn't you rather share that breaf awkwardness with the one who already committed to you and loves you?

Everyone is doing it
   Can you really say that after hearing this? Don't i make it obvious that I'm not "doing it?" It may seem like your the only one not being normal, but who wants to be "normal?" By all means if "normal" is walking around feeling hurt, used, rejected, heartbroken, worthless and alone, then i don't want to be "normal." Do you?

Say you do have sex, how do you plan on telling you true soul mate that you already gave it away? How do you tell someone something like that? What if it really hurts them? It’s a sign of love and respect if you waited to have sex with the person you will marry. Show them how much you love them.

If you have already "done it" and wished you had saved it, then start over. Its one thing to tell you spouse that you made a mistake and realized it. Its totally different to say that you just didn't care.

You shouldn't have to prove your love. If you are in a dating relationship and are being pressured to have sex, it’s not worth it. That should tell you right there that the person wants only to please themselves and really doesn't care about your feelings. He or she should love you for who you are not what you can give.

If those reasons aren’t enough maybe these facts will be…

Parenthood is the leading reason why teen girls drop out of school; what’s even worse is that fewer than 2% earn a college degree by age 30.
How many people here know that you pretty much need a collage degree to get a good paying job?

About 3 million teens get STIs every year;

some STDs can lead to serious health complications, including pelvic inflammatory disease, organ damage, infertility, cervical cancer, or even death. Mind you that STDs can be spread even with birth control.

Not one person who saved sex until marriage regretted it!

     This was a speech i wrote for my public speaking class. I encourage all of you to step out of your comfort zone and speak up! (Acts 18:1"Do not be afraid; keep on speaking, do not be silent. For I am with you")

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