I never really got the concept of "letting go." Letting go? Letting go of what? how do you let go? Why let go? I needed someone to explain it to me. So God did. I put the question in my mind years ago and God has been showing me how to let go for some time now. I finally get it! Letting go means to let go of yourself. To give everything to God. It seems so scary but its soooooo worth it! What you do is listen to God for direction. You let Him guide you. Its trusting that if you live with him in control instead of you that he will bring everything to good. Romans 8:28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. Its defiantly an adventure! He leads you places you never thought you would go. He grows you. You gain understanding and knowledge and then are able to let other people know. Life is so REAL. Its not what anyone would typically think of a christian life being like. When you let go you have nothing other than him to hang onto. So hold on tight and enjoy your life!