Monday, October 10, 2011


   Just the other day a boy in my class and i were discussing God. He told me he didn't have time for God. I replied with "that's sad." I thought God can make time for you plus the rest of the world. Yet you can't find  a spare moment for him? 
    Today i realized that it is really hard to make time for everything. We have to many things we have to make time for. Our society is so rushed. Instead of stopping to smell the roses, we need to stop and admire the maker of the roses. Life is made up of time. We just have to balance it.
   Lately I've been guilty of not making time for God. It shows in my attitude. I need to get my priorities strait so that i can judge what to do and when. A planner helps out a lot. I'm going to make a list of things i have to do, prioritize them, and place them in my planner. You should try it too. But don't forget to take a few breaks every now and them. Having ME time is important for everyone. It's hard to find that balance between overloading and not doing enough but we have to try our best.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

The relationship

once upon a time there were a boy and a girl that were in love
                        boy girl
then the boy and girl didnt see eye to eye and started growing apart
        boy                        girl
but then they both started to grow closer to God!
                boy girl
wait a second is it just me or did something just change???
then the boy and girl got closer to God they got closer to each other without even knowing!!!!! (they all become one)
   Right now its like where climbing this big mountain of life. As we clime we get closer to God. As we get closer to God we also get closer to our soul mates. But our relationship with God, and our obedience to him will lead us to the one were supposed to be with. Just remember to put him first

Saturday, October 1, 2011

God lead

Feelings can drive you into a ditch. I usually lean on God for things. He's a sturdy foundation, but he is never boring! Everyday is an adventure! I love life because of him! It's amazing. i mean come on, the maker of the galaxies is pretty out there. Look around you! He made the leaves change color, the flowers bloom, the birds sing. Without him life would be imposable and worthless. He pushes me out of my comfort zone and loves everything about me. He is the best dad in the universe!

Shinning Armor

   I know your probably thinking about those olden days where there were knights in shinning armor. Well you should be. Those old heroes in fairy-tales always had some kind of protection for their heart. They knew that if their heart was hit, that they would die. Now we do not fight agents flesh and blood, but it is very important to protect our hearts. Proverbs 4:23 says "guard your heart for it is the wellspring of life." Though we all will take risks in our life it is still important to think about it and guard your heart. 
   We don't always have to guard it though. God promises that he will accept us and love who we are. You can put your trust in him. Shed you armor in his presents and find peace in him. 
   Later in life he will bring the person specifically designed for you and that's a different story. For now focus on his divine love and grow in him. He has a way to your will so trust him with it.